Friday, December 18, 2009

Release, Don't Catch

Last night we went out to dinner with Larry, Maggie, Lola and Hank to one of the restaurants down on the far end of the beach. When we arrived we noticed a crowd of people gathered on the shoreline taking pictures and generally looking at the sand. This intrigued us. I thought that someone had caught a large fish and everyone had gathered to see the trophy. Linda caught the attention of a couple who were just returning from that area and asked what was happening. The couple said that we were in the midst of a turtle release.

Linda and Hank walked down to the waters edge and witnessed the release of baby sea turtles. We were told that the little guys are released only at night so that they have a better chance of survival. They place them on the shore facing away from the ocean and the critters smell the salt water and turn, heading out to their new life. Linda took several photos while I looked at the menu, obviously I decided against the tortuous soup.

We had a wonderful meal, almost everyone ordered some form of camarons. I had the Camarons Melaque and they were fantastic. Just about the time we sat down Maggie started feeling bad. She made it all the way through the meal, she ate very little of her dinner, and then we had to leave and get her home. We all felt bad about her quick illness, but today she was feeling much better.

We woke up this morning and played our usual pool volleyball. I use the digital video recorder to tape some of the action. Once I returned to the place I found that I grabbed the wrong cable for the camera so I can not upload any of the video. This will give me something to look for in town. Wahoo, a true test of Linda's Spanish skills!

1 comment:

Al Dee Sollinger said...

Looks like you are having a good time.

We are out of our deep freeze and up to 55 here today. Last week it was 6 degrees here at night and created a nightmare work wise.

Can't Skype. computers not set up for it.

