Crap! If you know anything about cribbage you will be able to see that I just lost another game to Linda. We were very close as we rounded the corner to Fourth Street and then, well the cards tell it all. We have been playing crib for quite some time, I am not the best at the game but Linda, man, she learned young and has kept the edge. When the cards are going her way she is hard to beat. If the cards are not hot for her, then she pegs and points her way around the board. She is usually in striking distance at the end of every game and usually wins. Yesterday she came back and beat me by one on the last card played. I hung my head and, once again, admitted defeat.
Below you will find pictures from the rest of the day. I placed comments on all of them and if you roll your cursor over them you can read the pop-up.
Nice cribbage hand there Deano.
Snowing today...oh I am sure you know that...are we playing volleyball today and what time shall i be ready??
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