Monday, August 17, 2009

We stayed at a lake!

After a long drive down into western Washington we passed through Montesano and turned north to Lake Sylvia State Park. We had a spot reserved and once we got set up we walked Kobi before going to bed. There were some cool hiking trails around the lake and Kobi really enjoyed himself. We slept sound and in the morning got up and played fly the dog, into the lake. Kobi loved the water, and so I put the video together.

After breakfast and the water fun we headed out to meet up with our friends somewhere by Grayland. These folks are the friends that we met in Mexico. The group all stay next door to our house and we play swimming pool volleyball every day. It's Mary and Art's 40th wedding anniversary. They invited us when we were down in Melaque last year, and then when Larry and Maggie visited us a couple weeks ago they encouraged us to join them at the celebration.


Sorrow said...

Awesome! :)

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! He IS a flying dog!! Funny - the Golden I babysit here is scared of everything. He needs to spend some time with Fearless Kobi!! Thanks for sharing - that's amazing! :-)

Anonymous said...

I think Amie could still take him...she is old but she loves to jump! We should take them down to the dock and do a contest. ~Heather