Linda and I drove up the Coeur d'Alene river this weekend, but ended up on Shoshone Creek at one of our usual spots. We left Friday after work, but by the time we got up the main river most of the good spots were taken. Several camps only had a tent or a truck in them, which generally means that someone had driven up and staked the camp site out for the weekend and then went back and left the items. I don't like that style of camp hording, I think that on Friday it should be every camper for them selves.
We tried all our usual spots and they were full so we drove down river and headed up Shoshone Creek. We figured that if we failed there we could drive back and camp in our front yard. We did find a spot and had a great weekend.
On Saturday I fished up stream and caught a bunch of little fish. The creek is running very low so about all I could do was fish the pools and hope for one or two big guys to be hiding and I could draw them out.
We had two great meals while we were there. We did the usual camping stuff; walk, eat, fish and throw the ring for Kobi.
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