Tuesday, February 02, 2016


Sunrise on the water.
It was fishing day for us in Melaque. Barry had scheduled a trip with Jerry so Karen, Tom and I joined him for the adventure.  The day was very nice, but the ocean was a bit rough. We had big swells all day and for a while a breeze that set up a chop on the swells.Tom and Karen both didn't feel very good in the moving boat.

Fishing has been very slow due to the El Niño, the currents from this system are much warmer than usual and so fishing had been off.  We pulled lures all day, from four miles to twelve miles off the coast and only had two hits. 
For Caroline.

The hits were exciting, and Jerry tried his hardest to get the fish to hook up. We figured the first strike was a Sail Fish by the way it kept playing with the lure. The second strike was harder and more of an attack. Jerry pulled the lure in and checked the line and said that it was a Marlin strike. He showed me the leader and you could definitely feel where the bill and mouth had snapped at the lure.

The bottom line was that we got skunked today. That happens, you don't like it but that's fishing.
Jerry working the lure on the Sail Fish strike
Barry waiting and watching.

The ship is still on the rocks.

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