About all Linda said was “I need to be an Aunt for a few
days!” so we got on the phone and invited ourselves down to Eugene Oregon for a
visit to her sister and family. They are in a new house, one we hadn't seen,
making our visit easier to validate. On Tuesday morning we forced Kobi into the
truck and started our adventure.
When we planned the trip we contacted our good friend Shawna
to see if we could stop off and visit her for a few days. She lives in Alfalfa just outside of Bend on
a ranch. She OK-ed the visit which broke
up our travels.
The other thing we did was to drive down to a RV campground on
the Columbia River near Biggs, OR. We arrived at the Peach Beach RV Campground
about 2 PM and got the rig set up.
As I
inspected everything I noticed that the Jeep had three screws in the passenger
rear tire. I immediately panicked and
started to change it out for the spare. Once I got my head under control I Googled
tire places around Biggs and found that ten miles away there was a Les Schwab
in Goldendale. I put my tools away and
hit the road.
Morning was a bit lazy because we had all day to get to
Alfalfa. We loaded up and were on the road by 10 AM. The drive was uneventful and we found the
ranch very easily.

Shawna was still at work, so we
set up the camper and soaked up the sun in our lounge chairs.
Once Shawna arrived we
started catching up while we doctored two of their houses. RH (Red Horse) has some kind of infection in
his hock. He needed to have cold water sprayed on the area and he also had to take
some medicine. The other horse, John Wayne,
had a cough so he also got to choke down a bit of goo. I learned that when
administering medicine via the horse’s mouth, you will probably get most of it
on your cloths.
Shawna got up and did
her horse chores and we got ready for our day.
Linda and I went into Bend and visited the High Mountain Dessert Museum
and Shawna went to work.
The Museum was very interesting and we both really enjoyed
all the exhibits. Our favorite was a live birds of prey program where they flew
live birds around us while a ranger told us facts about the bird’s lives. The Raptors
of the Desert Sky Program, included a Barn Owl, a Great Horned Owl, a Vulture,
two hawks and a falcon.
We met Shawna back at the ranch and she had brought pizza
home for us. We stuffed ourselves and talked until about 10PM. We were moving on in the morning and Shawna
had a big orientation program that she was in charge of so we called it a
I guess I Otter end this post. |
Thanks for making Alfalfa a part of the adventure!!!!!
Very informative blog... Thanks for sharing, Hope this helps many!
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