The burritos tasted wonderful! The use very thin sliced beef cooked over charcoal BBQ located just off the main sidewalk. The elder senor of the business cooks two of the paper thin slices and carries them into the kitchen for burrito processing. This takes about five minutes and it keeps him moving all evening long. We watch the cooking process, the continual motion of the plaza and streets, and talk about hoe great the trip has been.
After dinner we buy ice cream, and doughnuts. Sit in the plaza and then walk home. Linda went to the next door neighbor’s fence and called to Larry. He had said we would set up the taxi for tomorrow’s trip to the airport, but they must have been asleep because there was no reply.
We were mostly packed but we still had a bit to do before we went to bed. Sleep came easily and deep for me. I had become accustom to the slamming of the waves on the beach.
The next morning we finished our packing and I went next door to Larry and Maggie’s and played volleyball. Larry confirmed that his friend Chewi had set up the taxi. We played three games, I said my good byes and returned to our house.
Ivan and Sylvie stopped by with Matio and we said our good byes to them. Linda and I plan to visit them in Switzerland some day, and we would love to have them visit us up in Idaho. We were sad to see them go.
We heard a knock at the door and when we answered there was our taxi. We got everything out of the house and were loading it into the back of the rig, when two other taxies arrived. Since I do not speak Spanish I can’t exactly explain what was said, but there was quite a bit of fast talking, which got a bit loud at times. At one point in time they started to take the bags out of one taxi and put them into another. Linda stopped them and said “whoa hold on here”. They calmed down and talked a few more minutes, the two secondary taxies backing off and we loaded up and left.
As we drove out of town we passed the two taxies and I noticed that they had Villa Obregon painted on the side doors. Our taxi had Melaque painted on its doors. So here is what we think happened. When Larry secured our taxi he got it from Chewi who works the taxis out of Melaque. As the driver drove to our place the drivers of the Villa Obregon taxis noticed him empty and followed him to our residence. Taxis from one area are not supposed to do pickups in another area. It is a territorial thing and we have run into this before. Sometimes it is so bad that the shouting gets a bit out of hand, but our driver must have let the Alpha Driver get his licks in and then he got the fare. The rest of the drive was uneventful and we got a great deal on the fare. Maybe he felt bad about what we had to witness.
Our trip home was long, tiring and uneventful. The Jurgens trip was not as uneventful as ours. Rolly was very sick all the way home, but I won’t dwell on those details. I’ll let you get those details from him.
We arrived home about 11:30 PM and were in bed by midnight. Our plans are set for next year. We will be returning for yet another visit to Melaque. Linda is already making plans and I can’t wait to go fishing again.
1 comment:
Glad you had a good last few days, and made it home safely. I hear the snow has almost melted. Now if it would just get to 80 degrees, huh?
Thanks for a wonderful Mexican vacation. It was SO good to spend time with you. Love you guys bunches. I'll see you in April!
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