If you are wondering where the big John Deer thrower in the pictures comes from, my neighbor keeps it out of the snow under the front of our camper. He usually does all the clearing, but has given me the green light to use it when we get snow and he is on his truck route. Most of the people around us clear out of the neighborhood when I get behind the tracks. I can do considerable damage to property and wild life if things get out of hand.
Did I ever tell you about the time, when we had a snow blower, that I sucked up a couple strands of Christmas tree lights as I cleared the walks. It was dark, that's my excuse. You should have seen the sparks! The tree shook, the snow coming out the blower shoot was filled with glass, plastic and evergreen. It smelled kind of good though, very aromatic stuff that shrubbery.
HOLY COW, BATMAN! I can barely see your house!! Good thing you have a generous neighbor...as long as you stay away from anything suckable. Snow days in Idaho...whoda thunk it? Good plan not to go south - my friend in Boise says it's nuts down there, too.
I guess when Ma Nature catches up on her snow throwing, she really catches up......
Stay warm and safe and dry and not buried! Come on down to No Snow Land! xoxo
Git R' Done! You look like a natural behind that machine....maybe a second career. Make sure not to clean out around the college. Holly is doing a snow dance for another day off.
We had a few snow days in the banana belt of Oregon too. I had to laugh when I heard the news that Lane County had dispatched two snow plows in the area. Two plows for a metro area of about 200,000. It was a mess, it took me almost two hours to make my normal 20 minute commute today. People over here just freeze up when it snows. I was crossing town on Sunday and got behind a guy doing a bout ten miles an hour out of fear...then he got real scared and slowed down. Anyhow our snow is already gone and it is back to the rain.
Did I ever tell you about the time it snowed and I took the car to a deserted parking lot at 2 in th morning to do cookies. Everything was giggles until I hit that stupid shopping cart holder. Ah the joys of youth.
Dean + Heavy Machinery = RUN!
I Need pictures of your new toy. Ryan
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