Linda and I paid the fourteen dollars and walked into the 2008 Spokane Interstate Fairgrounds RV Show. If you have never been to an event like this you are missing out on one of Americas ultimate people watching events. It's up there above X-mas shopping in malls, but not quite to the level of County Fairs and Rodeos. The RV show is unique because it draws in a very diverse population. You see folks who want to buy a hunting retreat for the cold wet November deer season, and only need to cook a meal and dry their soiled camo gear. Then you bump into the ultimate snowbirds, who want to have a rig that carries all the amenities of their 500K home and are going to drop an easy 300K to be able to drive south in comfort.
Everyone at the RV Show wants to see in every available camper, trailer, toy hauler, pop-up, motor home and they all want to look at the same time. You end up running into ma and paw from fifty miles out Idaho, standing in the bedroom of the
Allegro Bus , with a 50", 1080p, plasma, HDTV with a complete theater system; a stacked washer and dryer set; and walk in cedar lined closets. They're afraid to move because they might get dirt on the plastic carpet cover, that is probably better then the floor in their country home. Did I mention the exterior 40" HDTV, located on the patio side of the bus, that the big breasted, lots of cleavage, dressed to the 9s woman said was a must for her travels.
It goes on from rig to rig, elbow to elbow, each mobile unit unique in its design and the people who are interested in it. Linda and I headed right to the 2008 Snow River campers. The Snow River 9'6" Prestige Signature Series camper is what the folks on the
Truck Camper Forum are calling a user designed camper for the high end consumer. It was a nice rig with everything you would want. Linda loved the interior design, the storage space, the room to move and so on. I liked everything about the way it worked mechanically and electronically, plus the interior was not bad at all. We talked to Al the factory representative about the construction and putting it on a one ton truck. He gave us great information and eased our concerns about the need for a dully truck. That was worth my seven bucks.
Then Al introduced us to MJ the RnR RV sales person. We talked about cost, msrp 40K and then the "Show Price", 36.5K. Yes I said 36.5K! He took our info and we met up with John and Loretta while he figured out the trade in on our Northern Lite. The four of us walked the show for a while and then we showed them the Snow River. They were very supportive, John saying "Buy It!" Then they brought out the picture of the Blue Marlin Loretta caught in Hawaii and we talked about that for fifteen minutes while sitting in the camper. She caught a 704 lb. Marlin. It was huge! We were so excited, I showed the picture to Al and MJ. We talked to everyone a bit more and MJ asked the world famous question "what do we have to do to earn your business?" Both Linda and I looked at each other and said "we need to talk about this."
The four of us went about watching the RV show, Loretta looking at all the models, John and I looking at generators and Linda just plain looking. After about an hour Linda and I were hungry ans so we left John and Loretta to wander and we headed out to eat.
The roads were bad due to the snow so we drove to Post Falls to eat. We discussed the camper situation and have decided to wait till we know more about the status of the truck situation. You know that a new camper means a new one ton truck don't you? That's where the day ends, we went home, watched Harry Potter and went to bed. In the back of our minds was that beautiful roomy camper. MJ sitting there holding the paperwork, twitching the bate in the back of our brains.