Tuesday, January 04, 2022

St. Andrew's Cross (Spanish Cross)

Rolly Jergens picked me up at 9:00 AM on Tuesday morning. I jumped in his Razor and we took off into the hills around the RV park.  His destination was an area where there was a petroglyph called the Spanish Cross and pictographs left by the native people of this area.

We had to hike about a mile down to an unused corral and then Rolly led us to the St, Andrew's Cross (Spanish Cross). He told me that they think the Spanish Conquistadors camped by Queen Creek and carved the cross in the rock in the 1500s. Not much else is known about the origin, but it was a pretty cool find if you ask me.

We hiked up the creek bed for a bit and crossed over to the west bank where he pointed out the Indian pictographs on the rocks. One rock had numerous pictos, and the rest were scattered upstream for quite a ways. 

This was a very nice little tour and I think I can actually take Linda to see this spot in the Jeep.

(Edited for More Information - 2/8/2022)

Marcos De Niza's Ladder

Rolly and his Razor.

Looking down on Queen Valley RV.

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