The rendezvous packed up and moved south, down the coast to Nehalem Bay State Park. The park has about 300 campsites, but the rangers closed all the loops except for a couple. One loop is for reservations only and they have a restroom and shower. The one for the drive up campers does not have restrooms and showers. Drop-ins are expected to walk to the facilities in the reservation loop. Oh, and by the way, the men’s restroom that is open has only two toilets and one of those is out of order.
We blame it on our new government.

After getting set up, we loaded into the Can-Am Taxi and we drove to Ecola State Park where we braved the wind and rain to peer out into the misty fog at the Oregon coastline. We could see about a quarter mile, and this took some doing because the wind was blowing at close to a hurricane force. We struggled up to look over the edge, only to be blown back by the powerful gusts. It was fun, but we also got drenched.

Next, we drove to Cannon Beach where we took some quick pictures of Haystack Rock. The weather hadn’t changed so we retreated off the beach and found a window seat in Mo’s for lunch. From this point, we watched the ocean and chowed down on various seafood dishes. Clam chowder has become the dish that all food stops will be judged during the rendezvous, Mo’s was rated very high.
We returned to our camp spot and ate dinner. Later on, we gathered for a couple card games before we turned in for the night.
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