There is an old adage that states events often times occurs
in threes. Many will say that bad luck
happens in threes. In our case we had some bad luck but it could have been a
lot worse!
After packing up the camper and trailer Linda and I moved
from our lot to Las Palmas and set up our camper in the drive way. Larry and Maggie were the sole survivors at
the place and since we were following them up to the US we figured we all could
help each other pack the final items and end our visit by having final dinners
On Saturday everything was packed and ready. We all agreed
that it was time to get on the road. Our
volleyball friends had said their good byes and we exchanged emails, hugs and
handshakes. We were sad but ready.
We left Melaque Sunday at 7:37 AM. We retraced our path from our trip to Perula
up Hwy 200. We wound along the ocean and
up into the low mountains ending back down in Puerto Vallarta. We had been to
the big city twice before, both times over 20 years ago and never by
truck. We followed Larry through the old
town section which led through two tunnels and dumped us into the heart of the
hotel strip. Traffic was busy but
because it was Sunday, not too bad.
Just past the north end of PV and entering Bucerias I heard
Larry come over two-way radio telling me that there were some flashing lights
behind me. I moved over to let them by
and it became obvious that the police wanted us to pull over. Linda told Larry and we all pulled to the
side of the Highway.
Larry and I got out and heard a guy from a passing car say “Get
your 200 pesos out!” We didn’t
laugh. The officer talked to Larry in
broken English and Spanish and Larry went to get his driver’s license. He then
told me that I was driving in the left hand lane and that I was only allowed in
the right lane. I said I had just passed a slow moving vehicle which got me nowhere
with him. He then asked me about Idaho and what I did there. All this was in very mixed up Spanish English
so he could have been saying that I was going to be deported to a prison in
Idaho for that matter.
Larry returned
and the police asked him to get in the car and close the door. They talked and soon Larry said “go get 250
pesos and we done.” I did so and Larry
and I each gave him the money. Most
people who travel in Mexico have had this game played with them; it’s what is
called “Mordida” or little bite. Cops
stop you for no reason and take a bribe to not ticket you, we had just been
We made our way to a pullout and I was able to use a spare
ball I had brought to fix the problem and get everything back in working
order. Luck was with us on this one because
we were in a very rough section of the road and we were moving very slowly.
We drove on heading for our resting point at an RV camp on a small bluff overlooking the ocean near San Blas, Nayarit.
Larry took a wrong turn in Ixtapa de la Concepción that led
us to our final problem of the day. The
mistake took us down a very narrow street and I caught a low hanging electrical
wire and broke it. There was quite a
loud crunching noise as I came to a stop. People came out on the street, hands waved;
Linda and I didn’t know what to do. Finally a fellow spoke in broken English and
we negotiated a repair fee of 100 pesos.
We apologized and paid up, jumped into the truck and got the hell out of
Later as we sat in camp at Playa Amour RV and Camping I
checked for damage and found that I had only broken a running light. We all
agreed that we were once again very lucky that the crunch only cost us less
than $100 dollars.
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