A beautiful vessel sails to port. |
We have had a few busy days recently and have found that we are way more active then we thought we would be. Not only are we always exploring the culinary delights in this little town but we have many other daily routines that we have gotten in sync with. I think Linda put it best in a letter to Loretta, "(we) take the dog for his walk, catch up on correspondence, eat breakfast clean up around the place, play pool volleyball, eat lunch, read/play games with neighbors/hang out, watch the sunset, go to/fix dinner, read/relax, go to bed and then do it all again the next day with slight variations." We are into the swing of Mexico life.
Today Linda started a little art project. Terri Burch gave her a skeleton mask made out of p
apier mâché and requested that Linda use her artistic talents to turn it into a Day of the Dead mask. Linda will work on it for the next few days until Terri arrives this Friday. I will post something that will show you the final results.
Linda's "Day of the Dead" project gets started. |
Just toss the stick dad! |
As you know sunsets draw us out each evening and I have tried not to take a bazillion pictures of the rock islands with the sun setting behind them, but it is impossible to not be ah-struck every evening when the sun sets and the sky becomes a painters pallet of color. I grab my camera and shoot about twenty photos each time I am out there. Last night (Christmas eve) I didn't take the camera with me for the evening sunset. Of course the sunset by the rocks was spectacular but I had prepped my self to not be disappointed and feel like I needed to rush back and get the camera. I suffered from withdrawals a bit. It was the clouds looking away from the sunset that made me hang my head and sniffle. Before our eyes a huge group of thunderheads developed while the sunset slowly dusted them with shades of red, orange pink and purple. It was amazing and it would have been a great shot, in a different direction, of a different part of just another beautiful sunset. I missed it, the good thing is there will be many more to come.
The sunset photos below do not look real, but I did not do any touch-up on them. This is the way my camera saw them. Note the hole in the rock on the second one. The hole is something everyone down here waits to see. It is quite the surprise the first time you get to see it.
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