From Mazatlán we left our campsite on
the beach at Mar Rosa RV at 7:00 AM. Larry and Linda had interrogated all the
resident campers at the RV stop and could not get a definitive answer as to how
to get out of Mazatlán and on to the autopista. The autopista is also called
the quota or the toll road. With Larry in the lead we headed north in the
direction of the marinas. We made good progress for a while and then we could
see Larry hanging out his window asking directions about every six blocks. The people are real nice, so nice that they
almost always try to give you directions, even if they don’t know what they are
talking about. We got farther north and
deeper into the neighborhood section of the newer part of Mazatlán. Finally
after 50 minutes Larry asks a fellow who was friends with a taxi driver, who
lead us through some tight streets and onto the autopista.
Mazatlán was in our mirrors and we
were heading through Tepic over the mountains past Guadalajara and to a
campground in Villa Corona. That sounds so easy, drive over the mountains and
into Villa Corona. I have found that things that you think are going to be easy
never really turn out that way. You always have something added to the mix that
makes your travels exciting.
The highway over the mountains was
four lanes, no shoulder, 60 mile per hour asphalt. They were steep and winding.
Then you add lots of tourist busses, heavy car traffic and finally the coup de
grau; sugar cane harvest trucks. Have you ever seen a sugar cane harvest truck?
Visualize a huge Mack truck with a flatbed on back the size of a football
field. Add racks that extend up twelve feet. Then cram as much sugar cane into
the back that it bulge’s the rack and extends another five feet into the air
above them. That my friend, is a classic diesel spewing cane truck. It is the
middle of harvest and there were a million of them.
Imagine driving with all the traffic
mentioned above and then add the Mexico
factor and that is a great description of our trip from Tepic to
Guadalajara. Driving the outskirts of
Guadalajara was a picnic once we had raced over the mountains!
We had our meal under the stars and
then took hot showers. The entire hot water system of this resort is siphoned
off the thermal springs. You could stay in the shower for hours and no one
would yell at you.
The last chore of the night was to
take Kobi out so that he could do his duty before bedtime. During the evening there had been quite a bit
of fireworks booming throughout the city of Villa Corona. This week, all over
Mexico, the people are celebrating Guadalupe. As part of these festivities loud
booming rockets are set off every evening and early morning. This is a call to
worship for the Catholic Mexicans and an annoyance to everyone else. Needless
to say, Kobi hates this and spent the evening under our little dinner table.
Linda ran to the camper and grabbed anything
she could think of to naturalize the skunk spray. I dragged Kobi directly to a water hose and
started washing him. I used hand soap from a nearby bathroom and suds him up
good. By the way, the water from the outside hose was warm thermal spring’s
water so Kobi got a warm bath that night too!
Once everything had calmed down and
we were able to assess the damage we found that neither Linda nor Kobi had been
hit directly by the skunk. In fact Kobi had not been hit at all. Linda must
have gotten a drop or two on her pants because when we returned to the camper
we could smell it and she had to put her pants in a bag outside. We were so lucky! We use so much karma on
that one encounter that for the rest of the drive I let people pass me and cut
in front of me all they wanted.
I would like to say we fell asleep right away that night but it took al long time to unwind and get past the skunk incident. Our final leg of the journey awaited us in the morning.
1 comment:
Which one of you is Rocky and who is Bullwinkle? Can I be Natasha? Sounds like quite the adventure.
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