Saturday, March 01, 2008

This One's For Alex

Of all the scenes in Monty Pythons The Holy Grail, this one cracked me up the most. I always thought it was such a comment on government, social structure, and religion all rolled into a tight vignettte. When Bush came into office I pictured him ridding in and speaking to the poor lower class in the same manner. Except he wouldn't have understood what they were saying and at one point in the conversation probably figured they were talking about cars because the word he heard started with Auto...


Owl X said...

Not bad Deano.

The Edwards Family said...

Hey Deano! I haven't been to your blog in a while--the pics of your weekend trip up north are incredible--that sunset is so beautiful it looks fake. It will be fun to look back at these pics and remember all the snow we had this winter.