Sunday, March 30, 2014

No More Flip Flops!

At 6:00 AM the sky was still dark but the temperatures were very comfortable so Linda and I climbed out of the camper in our flip flops and shorts and we headed up the road. The balmy 74 degrees that was displayed on the truck thermometer gave us no indication that the weather might be changing.

We drove Arizona Hwy 95 to Needles and turned north to Vegas via California Hwy 95. When we hit Vegas we text-ed Rayelle Anderson to see if they were there and everything was going OK.  She replied right away that all was well and that they would see us in Moab the next day.  We continued on Text-ing and driving.

As we moved further up the wind picked up and we could see a definite weather front looming far to the west.  We turned north east, this put the wind behind along with the approaching weather front.  It was very cool to be driving along with sun to our right and dark ominous clouds to our left.

We wound through the road construction around the Virgin River area and headed up over a pass.  When the front hit us, it hit us!  The temperature dropped from 61 degrees on the trucks thermometer to 31 degrees in less than ten minutes.   Snow moved in and we knew that we were no longer in Mexico, for sure!

Our camp site was at the Beaver KOA in Beaver Utah.  We pulled in and got set up.  Not 15 minutes later the Anderson's text-ed us and told us that they were heading our way.  They had cancled their spot in Cedar City and were coming to this KOA. They will arrive in about and hour and I'll probably post again after they get set up.

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