Sunday, July 23, 2023

HOT @ Kit Price

It's midweek and we had our gear loaded into the camper and ready to roll! This would be the first time we have been up the Coeur d'Alene River in several years. We reserved two spots at Kit Price and would be meeting Rayelle and Mike Anderson for a quick three-night getaway.  The only problem was that our area, like all across the US, was, and still is, under a heat wave of epic proportions. We arrived at our campsite and it was a blazing 96 degrees in the shade. I call that HOT.

We drove up the river road at a leisurely pace. Downriver from Shoshone Creek, we came around a corner and spotted two vehicles stopped in the road. Between the two cars was a yearling moose crossing the road. We stopped and watched as it climbed up the bank and then turned around and trotted back across the road into the brush by the river. Very cool!

Linda and I had reserved our spot for a day before the Andersons were to join us to enjoy some time together. Retirement makes that possible and we love to take advantage of every opportunity we can as "mid-weekers." 

Our campsite was #17, a good one if you are looking for sunshine. There was no shade anywhere near our spot, We arrived, set up, and immediately hunkered down in the shade of the camper.

Most of the afternoon was spent reading and sleeping in the shade. At 5:00 PM the sun dropped lower in the sky and we began to notice a slight cool-off.  I fixed a couple hot dogs and we had dinner. After we ate, we walked to the main river road and took a stroll downriver. The temperature continued to drop quickly and when we arrived back at the camper, the sun was down and it was very nice. The air had cooled and we sat and played cards until Linda had beaten me twice in Skip-Bo. Nothing I could do, she was on a roll and I got trounced!

Darkness enveloped us and the air grew chilly. By the time we went to sleep, it was very comfortable. Midway through the night we both had to crawl under some extra covers. 

The next morning, we got up and I fixed breakfast. Linda did her walk/run as I enjoyed the cool, quiet morning.

This relaxing temperature stayed with us until about 11:00 AM and then the thermometer made a giant climb into the 90s.

When the Andersons arrived it was full-on hot again. Mike backed into their camp spot and got set up.  Their location had shade. A willow tree blocked the sun in the afternoon. This gave us the option to retreat out of the elements.

Once they got set up we sat around in the shade and talked.  When the sun got lower we went back to our camper and heated a dinner of pulled pork sliders, fruit, and veggies. We ended with brownies that Rayelle had brought. After dinner, we walked around the campground and talked.  The heat had taken its toll, we were beat, and by 9:00 PM we were all ready for bed.

The next morning we had a big breakfast that Mike threw together. We then packed everything up and went to sit in the shade, in the water.  We spent the entire day staying cool while checking out the river residents. We caught crawdads, case caddis, and sculpins. I explained fish feeding needs and how that relates to fly fishing to Mike. He listened courteously as I jabbered on. Linda giggled and suggested I stop the lecture. It was a fun afternoon.

That evening Mike barbequed steaks and chicken for dinner and after the feast, we played cards.

Things cooled off nicely and we all went to bed.

The next morning we packed up and drove down the river. As we went, we past flotillas of people on anything that floated drifting down the river. There were hundreds of people slowly moving down that cool ribbon of water.

We stopped at the Snake Pit Bar in Enaville. There we found a table and had a great lunch. Everything we ordered tasted wonderful and was almost way too much to eat.  By the time we departed, the place was packed.  We headed out into the heat, said our goodbyes, and headed home. What a great way to spend a few summer days - wonderful friends, a beautiful river, fun times.

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