Back then I researched the different loudspeakers available on the market: Klipsch, Bose, Advent, Dahlquist, SpeakerLab, and Acoustic Research (ARs). I spent hours listening to these models over at Huppin’s in Spokane or anywhere hi-fi sound was produced.

After hours of intense listening and making a true assessment of my financial status, I chose a set of Acoustic Research AR TSW 610 speaker towers built between 1987-89. They had a sound I liked and their price came in on the high end of affordable. I felt they were beautiful towers with a sound that was close to perfect.
Each speaker has a 12″ woofer, 6.5″ midrange and. 75 Titanium dome tweeter. They could take up to 175 watts of power and the sound they produced could make your ears hurt. (I never listened at that volume, LOL.) My love affair for those speakers began.
Fast forward to about three years ago when I was watching TV. We were running our home entertainment system through my Denon amp and using my ARs for the sound. (I know, how fast love fades! My precious speakers have become a TV sound system.)

This pandemic we are suffering through has given us one interesting by-product. Time at home, separated from other distractions. Linda and I have cleaned our house, cleaned up our yard, and started several projects that have been procrastinated for years. My AR speaker repair was one project that I put off and felt that maybe I would never complete.

Doing an internet search I found that replacing the foam was standard practice and I was able to order a kit to make the repairs. I placed the order and then went back to the internet and found YouTube videos showing exactly what the repair process was all about. This all looked like something I could do given my free time in self-quarantine.

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