As you might remember, yesterday Linda and I drove down through Boise and had some truck problems just outside of Jerome. We stopped at the Les Schwab and it looks like they have fixed our problem. No warning lights today at all! Wahoo.
We were a bit late so we crashed a Mexican fiesta at the Jerome County Fairgrounds. There were lots of people and cars surrounding us, but they were relatively quiet and both Linda and I slept well as the tubas and accordions played on.
We got up early and drove into Twin Falls where we decided to take a short detour and view Shoshone Falls in the early morning light. The wind was blowing so hard that it sent spray from the falls all over the parking area and overlooks. You got soaked out there, but the spray provided one wonderful thing, rainbows! We got as many photos as we could. There was no way to hold the camera out without the lens getting soaked. Yes, it was misting that hard.
From the falls we drove east to Interstate 84 and blasted on down into Utah. The wind was behind us and we got 16 mpg for that leg of the trip. As I said we found our campsite in the park and are all set up for the evening.
Jodi and Steve reserved our camp spot for us when they arrived. It was nice to drive in and have it available for our visit.
During the afternoon and evening, Steve and Jodi went to visit Steve's son who lives in Draper. We will be heading south tomorrow in a caravan of two. Should be a fun drive.
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