I got the opportunity to go out sailing on Mangata with John. The plan was for John and me to go out and sail and then meet Linda and Beth over at Cuastemates where Beth and John would anchor for a couple days before they headed north.
We pulled anchor and motored out into Bahia de Navidad. The ocean was flat with no discernible wind. As we went farther offshore we spotted a large pod of dolphins swimming and playing about. We motored into the pod and had a blast watching them swim and jump just off our bow and all around Mangata.
After about 45 minutes we turned the boat north and motored over to the area near Isla Iglesias. We turned around and followed the coastline back down past Bahia Cuastecomate to Bahia de Navidad.
At this time the wind had picked up and so we threw up the sails and started playing in the wind.
The wind went from nothing to about 15 knots in no time. John and I had a blast and ended our day by sailing into Bahia Cuastecomate where we set anchor and took the dinghy to the beach where we met Linda and Beth.
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