It was moving day and our stay at Barking Sands had come to an end. The early morning was spent loading up the bags and cleaning up our cottage. Once all was ready, we split up; Linda and I leaving first and Don and Caroline next. We stopped for gas and it took us a bit to figure out how to open the gas tank, but once we figured it out all went well.
Cows! |
Our first stop was a quick unscheduled pull-off. On our trips back and forth to the base, we noticed that in this one area we always saw a ton of surfers preparing at their parked cars. This peaked our interest, so we decided to follow the trail and see what was up. The trail wound through a bunch of cows and along a small stream. When we hit the beach we could see the draw. The break was very gentle and regular. It looked to us to be a good spot and this was confirmed by the number of surfers sitting, waiting for their next ride. I believe the beach is named Pakala Beach or also called Infinities. This name is used because they say the ride seems to last forever.
Surfers |

We drove East and then pulled off at an area where there was a beautiful tree tunnel over the road. Many years ago old Walter Duncan McBryde had 500 eucalyptus trees left over from landscaping his home so he donated them to the county. Everyone joined in and planted them, creating this wonderful canopy. We stopped and I ran out into the road for a picture.
Wailua Falls |
Our next stop was Wailua Falls. It was at the end of a winding, narrow road, literally! We approached the viewing area with great caution. The road ended with cars parked everywhere. I had to do a six point turn to get our car turned around and headed back the way we came. Beautiful area, but they really should put in a bigger parking area or at least some signage explaining the end of the road mess.
Continuing on we drove to Poli'ahu Heiau.This site was built from lava rocks and used for religious purposes. There are many of these in this area. The locals still follow their ancestor's be-liefs and hold these areas very sacred.
Opaeka'a Falls was our next tourist stop. The road up there was narrow and curvy, but we followed the masses of sightseers and made our way with no problems.
Our final sightseeing stop was at Kilauea Lighthouse where we walked down and looked at the panorama. Just off the shore is Moku'ae'ae Island where many birds nest. In fact, birds were nesting everywhere around these headlands.
We are staying at Pu'u Poa in Princeville. I'll post some photos of the place later. Now, I have to relax.
Linda at Poli'ahu Heiau. |
Opaeka'a Falls |
Kilauea Lighthouse |
Moku'ae'ae Island |
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