With everyone at their table, the rules were laid out. Larry, our friend, was the rule official and made sure all the points in question were covered. Linda's first match was against a fellow named Wayne. The format of the day would go like this. Everyone plays three games against three opponents. Whether you win or loose you must report your final scores to the head table. Once these scores are collected the top 16 players out of 80 would move on.
In Linda's first match she was dealt terrible cards and scored 90 points total. In the big picture this meant that she was basically out of the tournament. She played on and ended her three games on a win.
The tournament went on with out her. The group of friends that we have here that had entered the tournament numbered seven. Out of the seven players from our hood, Berry, was the only one to move on into the next round. We were there when he came out of the venue, "I ran into a card shark in that round,
she kicked my ass!"
We really had a great time at the event. Linda was disappointed in her performance so at the end of the day, in our screen tent, she skunked me twice and went to bed.
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