We caravanned down the highway, sometimes Mike Anderson led
but most of the time Linda and I were in the lead. Our destination was Westport,
Washington to catch some fish, visit Don and Caroline Samuelson and do some
camping. Leaving exactly a 7:00 AM, we traveled without a problem, only missing
one turn during the entire adventure. We arrived in Westport a bit before 3:00 PM.
Linda and I went to Don and Caroline’s and Mike and the boys traveled on to
Twin Harbors State Park.
We had a wonderful dinner with the Samuelsons; Caroline made
tortilla soup with all the fixings, Don’s son and our boat captain, Eric, joined
us and so did Eric’s son, Peter. They had both been out fishing that day and
told us their boat had limited out. This
made me feel better and helped ease any concerns I had about the next day’s
I went to bed as soon as I could. I had to be at the boat by 4:00 AM which
meant I needed to get up at 3:00 AM!
Mike catching some Zs as we run North. |
The alarm jolted me awake and I gathered all the gear I had
put together the night before and hit the road.
I drove Don’s truck into town and left it in the parking lot for the
day. I was the third person to step aboard the
Playboy II that morning; I guess I was a bit early. For the next hour, fishermen
stumbled aboard, coffee in hand, eyes half closed. Mike and the boys dragged
themselves aboard looking a bit worse for wear. Turns out they had run into a
few beers the night before and had to drink them before they got warm.
The boat left the dock at 5:30 AM and ran north to an area
where the sea bass were holding. We
fished for about two hours catching 140 fish. The limit is 10 fish each and we
had 20 folks fishing so we could have brought another 60 fish on board. The group fishing had several non-fishing
types so we missed our mark by a bit.
Next we ran south for two hours to where the salmon had been
biting. Once we were set up the “Fish
on!” cry began. During the day I caught
five keepers, two Kings and three Coho. I also caught five other Coho, but they
were wild and had to be released. Mike
and the boys caught only one keeper but they also caught many wild fish.
Once the day was done we ran back into the harbor and they
divided up all the fish. I kept the King and a large Coho. This filled my limit
so I gave Mike and the boys the rest of the keepers I caught. They were driving
home the next morning so we said our good byes at the parking lot. I drove home
arriving just in time for a spectacular grilled salmon dinner.
Cleaning the bottom fish. |
Linda went to bed and I took a dip in the hot tub. It took
me exactly one minute to fall asleep once I hit the pillow.
The next day was a day of rest. We stayed out on the deck most of the
afternoon sunning ourselves while the fog stayed off shore.On Wednesday we helped Caroline and Don hook up their new
Casita and we drove up to a campground at Lake Wynoochee. There were a few sites available, but only
two were close together so we grabbed them.
The catch. |
Note on campsite choice: Always look at the site next to you
and if there are three tents and two EZ-up shade units with couches around the
fire pit, move on and find another spot.
We failed to note this and so we were stuck next to a huge group of loud
talkers. In fact, the group had three sites, one next to us and two across the
We did the best we could to avoid the crowd. It became a bit
of a joke between our groups; it seemed like the entire campground was nice and
quiet except for the area around us. We designated the upper loop as the
suburbs and our sites as the ghetto.
Pointing a bird. |
Thursday morning Linda got up and
walked down to the beach. We joined her and staked out a table far away from
the beach area. It was nice and Linda chose it because she had walked down to
the beach the day before and noted that it was busy with families. This area was not a high use area.
Kobi watches Sam and Ruby work. |
We set up our towels and settled
in for a quiet morning. Not twenty
minutes later some of the folks from the sites around our camper arrived at the
beach. They scanned the beach. There
were only one group besides us at the beach and they were at the far end on the
grass. Where did they decide to set up for the day? At the picnic table right next to us! They could have at least moved one table
away, but no. The crowd grew and so did
the sound level. A boom box appeared
followed by a wakeboard boat, complete with rap music blaring from chrome
Bug on the deck. |
At that point I left and moved to
our camp area. Don and Caroline moved down the beach where it was quiet and
Linda hung in there, stubborn, not willing to give up her spot.
Back in camp I read and when
Linda returned we started playing cribbage.
Linda looked up as a camper pulled up and stopped. Out popped Larry and Maggie; they had driven
down to join us. They found a spot in the
suburbs and came over to play cribbage.
Caroline and Don fixed dinner and we all laughed and talked, catching up
on the past year.
From the deck of Don and Caroline's house. (Downriver) |
(Looking upriver) |
The next morning we baked some
scones and everyone gathered at Caroline and Don’s for coffee and warm treats.
Larry and Maggie had to get on the road so they left at about 8:00 AM, we packed
up and then helped Don and Caroline get their Casita hooked up. While we were
packing Don went in the trailer and Caroline put Ruby and Sam into their
truck. Not long after that we heard the
truck horn honk. We looked at Sam sitting in the driver’s seat and laughed. The horn honked again and we thought Don was
playing a trick on us while he was in the trailer. We laughed again, telling Don that we had
figured him out. The horn honked again
and we went to the truck to see what was up. Sam was sitting on Caroline’s
jacket, moving his butt, honking the horn. We laughed until we tried the
door. It was locked. The only set of keys was in Caroline’s jacket
and Sam was sitting on them locking the door! Oh, boy!
The new Casita on its first camping trip. |
We started a campground search
for a clothes hanger and a nice guy from a neighboring campsite came over with a
hotdog fork. He and I worked on the driver’s
side window and got the fork into place and luckily we were able to hit the
electric lock and unlock the truck. Boy
were we lucky! Once we got past the lock
situation we were on the road back to Westport.
Lake Wynoochee. |
The dam at Lake Wynoochee. |
Linda, Maggie, Larry, Caroline and Don eat dinner. |
Mole, caught in the act. No more digging! |
This pict. shows the damage one mole can do in one night. |
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