Linda had a three day weekend and I had a day coming for the weekend I spent on the ASNIC retreat so we drove down to Pine Bar to do a little fishing and mostly relaxing. We camped in the BLM campground and had a relatively nice spot. We set up in the dark on Thursday night after we drove down. It was around 10 PM when we got to bed, we were both pooped.
Had to take a photo of the camper and Tom's drift boat. |
Tom, Sarah and Mark arrived in the morning and set up their little trailer down in a spot overlooking the water. When we arrived in the dark we tried to fit into that spot, but we couldn't get the camper leveled. I walked down to the river and set up my planer boards started the quest for steelhead.
Relax, no fish were harmed that day. It started off a bit rainy and then by the afternoon it had cleared off. We cooked dinner and then walked down to the lower camp where we sat around the campfire and shared stories.
In the morning Linda took the dog and ran and I went down to the water and set up my two rods with plainer boards and divers. The sun came out and I sat and fished. I moved up and down the river selecting spots and not catching anything. It was fun but would have been funner if I caught something.
Sarahs warming by the fire. |
At about 3 pm I went back to the camper and we got things ready for dinner. Our dinners for both nights were Dutch oven meals that I hadn't tried. First night was a chicken corn tortilla casserole. For a first time meal it turned out fantastic! I highly recommend it and will give you the recipe if you request it. The second meal was scalloped potatoes and weenies which was OK the first night, but was great as leftovers.
On Saturday we fished the bank in the morning and then fished from Tom's drift boat in the afternoon. We put in at Pine Bar and pulled off at American Bar. The weather was beautiful but the fishing was not good. We didn't catch anything but had fun throwing flys and bobbers.
Kobi fell asleep sitting up. |
Cooking in the fire pit. |
Moon rise over the Lower Salmon. |
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