Drive, Drive, Drive; I don’t know what it is going to be like traveling after we no longer have the commitment of work, but right now it’s drive, drive, drive! We left Post Falls at about 6:45 AM and made great time getting into Westport at about 2 PM. We stopped in Ellensburg for diesel and a little lunch, which we ate in the truck on the move, and that, was our only stop.
When we arrived Don met us and we got the camper set up. Once that was done we drove down to the docks and launched Sachi (Happiness) and motored around the pier where we filled her tanks with 100 gallons of diesel fuel. It is a beautiful boat and I can tell it makes Don very HAPPY.
We didn’t do much but as we watched and experienced the Westport fishing port it became apparent that Don is one of the fishing families with deep roots. Every one of the deck hands, boat captains and general dock workers stopped by and complemented Don on his new boat. They all stopped to chat exchanging fish reports or little bits of the daily life in the fish lane.
We arrived back at the house and were greeted by Caroline and Ruby, their Springer Spaniel. Kobi and Ruby got along right off and we spent the evening watching them play. Caroline made a wonderful meal of King Salmon, caught yesterday, with all the fixings. By the time we finished the meal we were ready for bed. Don stated that in this house 9:00 PM is bed time! We are beginning to feel right at home!
At 6:30 AM Linda’s alarm went off so we rolled out of bed, I made coffee and Linda did her Yoga stretches on the floor. After about a half hour we made our way out of the camper where Linda joined Caroline and the dogs for a drive and lone run/walk on the beach. Don and I went down to the boat and started some projects that needed to be taken care of before the weekend.
Don tore apart the head and I put the life jackets into plastic bags and then stowed them below deck. When I finished that Don handed me the circulating pump for the head and I broke it down so that we could replace the impeller. This took about 45 minutes and while I did the disassembling, Don went to the marine store and bought a bunch of parts. Once this was all complete I put the pump back together and Don reinstalled it. It leaked! So Don took it apart again and Linda and I left.
We drove back to the house and I showered. Once I got all the mess off and shaved we took Don’s truck drove north to Ocean Shores. We explored a bit and had a real normal lunch of deep fried food. The highlight of the trip was a visit to Sharkey’s, a novelty store. I had a hard time keeping Linda from buying everything. They had velvet paintings, Sweatshirts with seagulls on them in florescent colors, and post cards that when you moved them the ocean creatures moved like they were alive. So Cool! I dragged Linda out and we went down the street and had some homemade ice cream.
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