We found a good camp spot, all the camps have electricity, water and sewer hookups; and it only costs $10 a night! We chose the spot because of the shade and because the dog had a great area. Once we settled in we talked with Mike Wassmuth and his brother-in-law, Pat. They fished for about four hours and caught quite a few bass. After a bit Linda and I fixed dinner, then ate. It was late so we walked the dog and went to bed.
The next morning Mike and Pat went fishing very early. They stopped by our camper and picked up my fishing pontoon boat which they took down to the waters edge for me. It would have been a real workout if I had to carry it down by myself.
We ate breakfast and I got my fishing gear together, trudged down to the lake and put my boat in the water. I fished for about four hours and caught six fish. Now I was a bit crushed at the number of bass caught in the four hours of fishing, but later on in the weekend I found that fishing was hard and even the bass tournament participants had trouble catching the big ones. They caught a million of little ones, which even avoided my lures. 
After Mike and Pat returned from their day of fishing we all met at their camp and ate dinner. They are ribs heated in boiling bags. We had chicken Alfredo, which we first soaked in water and then heated in a fry pan. I have to explain that Mike suggested we heat our meal in the boiling water like he did with his ribs. The problem was our bag had a hole in it. We boiled it for a while and then checked it and found that it was full of water. I drained the water that I could get out and then we heated it in the frying pan. It was still real good, plus it gave us a laugh.
Saturday I fished and Linda read her book. We fixed a potato Dutch oven meal that turned out real good. Mike and Pat came over and we talked. We went to bed early and then got up early and drove back home.
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