In between all this we said our good- byes to Larry and Maggie, Art and the rest of the volleyballers; packed up all our goodies and clothes; thanked Leone for all her help and then finally, Larry loaded us into his new truck and drove us to the airport.
The flights to Seattle were very uneventful; moving from one plane to the next was quick and smooth. Even the shuttle to our hotel was quick and easy.
Thursday morning we were up before the sun and got our gear together. We slept as well as you might expect being in a hotel on New Year ’s Eve. There were a couple loud groups of people that hung around our door celebrating, but that did not last long. We purchased coffee and a treat and decided to try to get on the early flight to Spokane. The shuttle arrived and so we were off on the final leg of our journey.
We made the early flight and got loaded on board; we sat there for about an hour while they solved a problem with the Spokane airport guidance systems. We finally were in the air and, though the flight was bumpy, things went smoothly otherwise.
We arrived home at about 12:00 PM and unloaded the baggage. Linda ordered pizza and I put on my weather gear and climbed up on the roof and shoveled snow. Kobi was glad to see us, but was reserved in his enthusiasm. I think he is still a kid and doesn’t have all the emotional baggage that comes with being old.
From 80 degrees to four feet of snow in about 24 hours, it’s pretty amazing. I know the New Year will bring some more great adventures. We have already started making plans for a trip in August to see Don and Caroline and possibly the volleyball crew from across the street in Mexico. We had a great year and Linda and I are looking forward to being with Kobi and traveling as much as we can. I’ll try to post a bit during the new year doldrums, maybe clean up the photos and post some you haven’t seen.
I would say I am glad your home...but I am sure you are not...wish you could have stayed a year or would have had a blast and then some...How does Costa Rica sound for an adventure...
Glad you're home safely, although I'm sure you wish home wasn't buried in a thousand feet of snow! Thanks for sharing the trip with us - it'll be warm again before you know it...stay safe up on that roof, Deano!
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