Today, Jerry had a plan. We ran out to about the 8 ½ mile point and then we rigged our lines. In fact Jerry placed the first line in the water and immediately we had our first fish. (Note in the photo of Dave and Caroline that there are no other lines in the water.) Dave landed the first fish and then the action continued. In all we landed six Dorado in the two hours that followed; four real nice ones and two small fish. The two smaller ones we kept, only because they were hooked so bad that they would not have lived. Even though they were small they still provided two real nice filets apiece.
After the first two hours of catching, we started fishing. We followed the trash line and tried to entice more fish out, but the bite was off.
Jerry kept tabs on the other boats out on the water and he said no one caught any Dorado, and there was only one sailfish reported caught. The one sailfish was caught 20 miles out, so we were not even close to that area.
At the end of the day we ran downwind back to port with our catch of six. Jerry filleted the fish and we took home six nice sides of fish. David took the rest of the filets and Jerry bagged the egg row. The count ended up three males and three females. It was the usual type of day with the best Captain in Barra.
The Mission:
8) You driving a boat.
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