I drove down to Heyburn State Park after work. Linda is at Phantom of the Opera in Spokane tonight, she plans on

After the walk I went into the camper while Kobi ate dinner. I made my dinner while he ate and then I ate while he slept. It was getting colder so I put my little buddy into the crate and then started blogging.
I feel a little decadent right now, I have the TV on and I’m watching Americas Hardest Jobs and working on the laptop.

I went to bed and read for three minutes. The phone rang in the morning and Linda said she was on her way. I got up and walked the dog and in about an hour the phone rang again and Linda

We hiked back to the camper and ate lunch, and then we loaded the Jeep and drove up the St. Joe River to see the fall colors. Our drive took us thirty miles up to Huckleberry Campground where we stopped and checked the park out. There were quite a few hunters camped there but the place was nowhere near full. The camp it’s self was very nice and clean, we took a tour and then headed for home.
At the road leading to Calder we decided to check out the city, so we drove in over the river to

Back at Heyburn we built a roaring fire and sat around the heat. We tossed the Chuck-it ball for Kobi for over an hour and a half. He just kept chasing it. He has so much enthusiasm when he goes after the ball, it’s like every time is the first. He throws himself over stumps, roots and obstacles. He crashes through brush and down hills head over heels. Nothing stops him from getting that little orange ball.
I made dinner while Linda read and played toss with the dog. We had chicken noodle soup and corn bread. It was the perfect meal for this cold clear evening. After dinner Linda did the dishes and we read some more. We went to sleep listening to the coyotes across the bay. There howls and barks made us feel like we were “out there” again.

1 comment:
You were in Calder and didnt stop in to say hello??? Check my blog. See dead animal. I'm not emailing because I dont want to look at work stuff.
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