This weekend was what I called Camper Weekend at
Heyburn State Park.
We pulled into the park on Friday night and found a spot in our usual area.
It was right next to an Eagle Cap camper owned by Bob and Marilyn of Post Falls.
While we were there a Lance pulled in next to them and an Arctic Fox with a slide pulled in across the road.
Down below us was a Palomino Pop-up like the one we used to own. So it was like a little camper village at Heyburn.
Bob was not real happy with his Eagle Cap and said that it was purchased as an entry level camper and he plans to upgrade in the future.
He definitely said it was constructed poorly and he felt the workmanship inside left a lot to be desired.
The people in the Palomino, Lance and Artic Fox kept to them selves, but we were able to see several other travel set ups around the park.
A Tab pulled in and set up next to the restrooms.
It was cute, but real small.
A couple from
Montana set up their Coyote a couple spaces down from us and we really liked the looks of that little trailer.
Bridget would be a real good candidate for ownership of a model like that rig.
On one of our hikes we came across the owners of the little trailer and talked about the virtues of traveling light and little. They had come through the same evolution we had to get to the Coyote stage and we laugh about that. Small tent, larger tent, back of truck to camper/trailer; this seems to be the path many people follow in getting to the comforts of the mobile travel world. They were very nice and we enjoyed our little chat.
We spent a lot of the day down at the dock, in the sun reading. A couple came down with a dog, he was a Husky mix and was very friendly. They laid in the sun on the dock and their dog came over to us and laid between us. As the couple left, we talked and they asked if we had a dog. When I told them about our dog being gone, they said that their dog must have known that because he usually stays close to them. He must have sensed that we missed our dog and felt he needed to be there to help us. After they left we talked about getting another dog, it will probably be spring before we do, but we will have one.
Each night before we went to bed this weekend we watched a movie on the computer. It was real fun and very comfortable. We will get a flat screen TV for the camper some day. Until then we’ll use the computer. When it gets dark at 5:30pm and you sit around the fire for two hours, it it fun to be able to come in and watch something till you fall asleep.
In the morning we woke up and sat around eating muffins and drinking coffee/tea. We packed up and headed in to Coeur d’Alene at about 11:00am. We won’t be camping next weekend, I have a conference I am in charge of and Linda has to go to Seattle for a conference of her own. We plan to be out in two weeks, it might be our last trip in Canyonwren until spring break. That’s something sad to think about.
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