Portland traffic wasn’t as bad as it could be. We hit it a 12:30 PM but with Linda navigating we were able to cruise through with out problems. The stretch between Portland and Lincoln City sucked. It is mostly one lane and it goes through a ton of small towns, so you end up driving about 35 most of the way.
We arrived in Lincoln City a little early so we drove down to the beach walk area and took our first walk on the pacific shore. It was crowded in town and on the beach but we really enjoyed the smell of the ocean, wind in our faces, and the sound of the waves hitting the shore. After a short walk we climbed up a hill into the business district and went to a coffee shop. We ordered coffee, tea and Costco muffins and sat down and played a game of Cribbage. While we were playing, two locals, Rose Marry and Mickey sat with us and chatted about the game and where we were from. They were a pair, both a little short of a full deck, but very nice and interested in us and our game. I won the game; I had some of the best hands I have gotten in a long time. We finished up and said our good byes then walked to the truck. We stopped at the Safeway where we bought some provisions. It was close enough to five o’clock that we decided to find the beach house and make our appearance.
Arriving first we started the tour and then suddenly Linda’s Uncle Ed and Aunt Connie appeared. The calm of the house was over because within about ten minutes Diana and Al Dee arrived with the kids followed by Unc
The first group dinner was a BBQ with burgers and dogs. As the families settled in Ray and I set up the Charbroil and went to work cooking the feast. Some of the new arrivals had eaten but we were able to go through a lot of food in a short period of time. Everyone got their jackets on and headed to the beach to watch the sun set and enjoy the ocean.
Ten o’clock came real fast and the different parties slowly started to turn in for the evening. The house that
The lower level had three bedrooms which were equipped
In the morning Linda went for a run and I slept in a bit. We had the Ray and Barb traditional breakfast of sausage and eggs with toast and then everyone started preparing for the day. Bret, Linda’s second cousin, Linda and I drove down to the Lincoln City Outlet Mall and did some shopping. We didn’t find much but had a good time looking around. On the way back we drove down the coast highway a bit and then returned.
Later Al Dee and I were assigned the job of getting Linda’s dad out of the house so that Linda’s mom could practice her song that she will sing later on in the evening. So we grabbed Uncle Ed and Dad and went Geocaching. Neither of the two had been out ona cache hunt so we did about four real easy ones to show them how it was done. This gave Mom and Diane time to practice and gave Linda time away from me to read. This operation worked out well for everyone.
The big dinner was held this evening and everyone dressed up and was ready when the catered meal arrived. The folks had made the arrangements and a small restaurant was hired to provide the feast.
After dinner and after the caterers had cleaned up a left, Al Dee and I hosted a short program where everyone spoke about our hosts and the two who had achieved the fifty year anniversary mark. Each of the family members told a story about the hosts of honor and the program concluded with Linda’s mom singing a song to her dad while Diane accompanied her on the electric piano. It was a wonderful event and I thing everyone enjoyed themselv
The next morning we got up and Linda and I drove to Depot Bay and did some whale watching and shopping. Again, we didn’t purchase anything, but we did find a geocache as we walked back to the truck. Three geocachers were gathered around a cache and I stuck
We all gathered in the kitchen and put in our order for pizza and while it was being prepared
Linda and I got up early and hit the road for the drive back to Post Falls. We had no problems and basically stopped at the same spots that we did on the way down.
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