I doubt that when Presidents Day

was established, it was established so that we could gather together, eat, drink and talk about how our President is not very bright. Well that is what we did up a Hills Resort on Priest Lake. Saturday morning Linda and I loaded up the truck and drove up to Hills. We arrived at about noon and had a fire going, warming the cabin, in about fifteen minutes. I filled the wood bin and by the time we had settled in, Rania and Terry arrived. Shortly there after their phone rang and Bridget checked in, followed by a call from Julia and Rob. It looks like everyone is going to make it for the weekend.
The first order of business was booze. Linda tossed together Margaritas using tequila, beer, lime aid and a dash of Grand Marnier. So let the party begin! Rob and Julia arrived

just a bit after Bridget and things started to roll. Raina placed the dinner in the oven and we whipped up another batch of blender magic. There is warmth a log fire provides, our new cabin was set up differently from the past cabins and we all agreed that it was more comfortable.
The enchilada dinner was fantastic and when we pushed away from the table everyone was full. We cleared the table and got ready for a hard fought game of liars dice. Bridget brought the dice and taught everyone the rules of play. I had an advantage over everyone due to my nightly games that were played on a trip down the Grand Canyon. As we shook and played,

we all found out who the liars were. It came down to WSU vs. Idaho, one on one. Julia and I shook our final die. It couldn’t have worked out better for me, I rolled the wild card single. Julia had to make the call and when she did it left me with the win. It was a lot of fun. A late desert of cheese cake was served. We dribbled chocolate and berry juice over the top and gobbled it down. We were all tired and everyone started turning in just after 9:00 PM.
One by one we started getting up; the smell of coffee filled the cabin. Bridget started making breakfast. Canadian bacon, pancakes, and eggs were on the menu and no one hesitated to

partake. As soon as we finished eating and cleaned up everyone started getting ready to go snowshoeing. We loaded up the truck and Bridget’s car and drove out to the road leading to the Beaver Creek campground. It was quiet when we arrived and we put on our gear. As soon as we were ready to leave about fourteen snowmobiles pulled up and filled the air with exhaust and broke the quiet of the morning with the screams engines.
The machines left the area and we snow shoed for about an hour. The path we took lead off the road and we ran across some deer. I had forgotten the camera on the fender of the truck and had to split from the group to pick it up
before some one came along and took it. The rest of the group kept hiking and circled around through the trees and back to the road. We met up and continued for another half hour and then returned to the vehicles and drove back to Nordmen where we bought some ice cream.
Back at the cabin Julia started making her chili and we all settled in for some nice well deserved naps.
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