Baka will not leave my side when I am packing the camper for a weekend trip. In fact he usually lays on the lawn and keeps his eye on the truck, hoping I will leave the door open to the back seat. Then when Linda arrives home all hell breaks out and he runs to her, then back to the truck about a million times. I had the day to mow the lawn and get the camper packed, we were on the road abut fifteen minutes after Linda got home from work. We drove south on I-95 to

Plummer and the took a left towards St. Maries. We set up camp at Heyburn State Park. It's the first weekend of hunting season and our past experiences tell us that the state Park system is the way to go. Most other areas are like going to a big party where everyone is carrying a gun. Hunting, beer, guns and campfires always add up to noise and we tend to avoid those situations.

It was a easy set up and once we took a little walk we settled in around the fire for the evening. Linda a brought chicken and salad so we ate and enjoyed the warmth of the fire. We turned in about 8:30 PM and read till we fell asleep.
Next morning we built a fire and had coffee and coco as the sun warmed up the camp. We got our bikes ready and put Baka on the leash. The ride to Harrison was beautiful but it also was

cold. In the shade our fingers froze but in the sun we were great. We were glad we wore the clothing we had, my only regret was not having gloves. In Harrison we hiked the bikes up into town and looked around. It looks like the burg is surviving, One Shot Charlies is still open and there is an art gallery above the place. We didn't add to the economy at all, but enjoyed the walk about. As we got ready to hit the trail back to Haybern, a group of riders pulled up. There was one familiar face in the bunch, Dan, of Vern and Dan, was riding the trail with a bunch of friends. It's a small world! We rode with him for about two miles but I could tell Linda wanted to pick up

the pace so we said good by and pulled away. When Linda rides she rides consistently strong. I can just keep up when she is going at an easy pace. So the ride back was good but I got real tired. I stopped for a restroom break and took a picture of a deer, noticed my old NIC hat was missing and then plugged on back to camp. Baka was glad to see us when we arrived.
We took a break, I slept and Linda read. Then we took the dog to the Wildlife area across the bay and let him run.

We cam back and I made a Dutch oven meal. We ate around the fire and were ready for bed by 8 PM. What an exciting group! We went to bed with the sky's clear and stars out and awoke during the middle of the night to rain falling on the camper top. Morning was cold and wet so we drank our morning drinks and packed up the wet items. We drove home hoping that we will be able to get out once again. This weekend can't be the last.
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