We hit the road early and followed I-90 to 405 and headed north to Conway where we veered off and followed Fir Island Rd. into La Conner. We found a nice spot there and toured the town. There was a bike ride going on an the town was full of cyclists. There was also a Lamborghini auto group visiting and the town was strewn with $200,000 sports cars. It made for an interesting combination.
We looked around and ate lunch but didn’t see anything we wanted so we drove on to the border. When we got to the border we found that it was packed. Thank goodness we had left La Conner when we did because it took us an hour and a half to cross the border and then another forty five minutes to get to the ferry terminal. No problems crossing but man it was crowded.
At the ferry we walked around the terminal area and had dinner, bought some fantastic cookies and just relaxed. We were the first in line and so when it came time to load we were the very

We reached Port Hardy and found our spot in the Sunny Sanctuary Campground. It was pretty much just like we pictured, including the many bunnies’ that we were warned about. Set up was a snap and we connected to our full hook ups and made sure everything was working. John and Loretta were out fishing and we didn’t expect them back for several hours so we walked around and made sure Baka got some exercise.

So that was the day of the fishing crew. Up early, probably 5:30 AM, pack the days food, launch the boat, fish for Salmon, mover to another spot, fish for Halibut, move again, fish for Salmon again, fill up with fuel, clean the days catch, load the boat on the trailer, take yesterdays catch out of the freezer and sealed in freezer bags, then the days catch had to be placed in the freezer for the night, followed by dinner at 10:30 PM.
I did this one day and by the end of dinner I was sleeping in my chair at the table. John was in his element. He loved the entire process and you could see it in his eyes.
While I fished with John that day, Linda and Loretta walked into Port Hardy and looked around at the stores. There are not many to look at but they made the best of it before returning and relaxing during the afternoon. Linda read her books and worked with Baka on controlling his urges to chase the bunnies.
John and I fished about a mile and a half Northeast of Port Hardy for the first half of the day. We caught Coho and Pinks but no Silvers in this area. We moved across the straight to a sand bottom area where John likes to fish for Halibut and fished there. I caught the fish in the photo

Cleaning fish is easy, all you do is take a knife and attempt to clean your fish and everyone who knows how to do it “right” will tell you how, then get fed up with you and do it for you. I got three of my fish cleaned that way!
Back in camp we went about the process of freezing and packing fish until dinner and then everyone passed out and went to bed. My fish count was 3 Pinks, 1 Coho, and 1 Pacific Cod. I didn’t count the fish I caught that I hit John with my sinker when I pulled it in because I didn’t keep it.
Next day Linda and I went in to Port Hardy to look around. Nice little town, with and emphasis on the little part. We had Baka with us so we took turns going in to places we wanted to see. Not many things that drew our attention so we circled the town and started back. It had been cloudy all morning and just a s we left the main down town it started to rain, pour, deluge. We took cover under some eves and waited. It didn’t look like it was going to get clear, so we decided to get soaked and head back to the camper. It never let up the entire time we walked back. When we got to camp we stripped the close off and changed into something dry. Our camper was so nice to take cover in. We read, slept and dried our cloths while we waited for the fisher folk to return. Everyone was back by 8:00 PM so we helped with the fish and dinner, ate and said our good byes. We would be leaving in the morning and we had to thank everyone before they hit the high seas again in the morning.
We left Port Hardy at about 8:00 AM the next day Wednesday, August 2. We had reservation at Ripple Rock RV Parkabout 7.5 miles north of Campbell River. The park overlooks Brown's Bay Resort and the Discovery Passage.

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