Friday night was a rain night, so we sat in the Citation and visited until about 6:30 PM. It's a real nice camper and much larger then ours. They bought a new Chev 3500 to put it on and that makes a great combo. When we got hungry we went back to the NL and made dinner. We had chili and cheese, one of the old stand by meals for camping. After dinner the rain let up and we went out side for a walk. We saw a deer, and Baka left it alone. Night closed in and we were tired so we hit the sack about 9:30 PM.
Saturday was a better day but not super. We made a fire and sat around it visiting. We put on our boots and went for a walk up the Rampike Creek road. We took the first right hand split and walked up about two miles. John and I talked

Back at camp we ate and then I took a short nap. Linda read and Baka slept. The dog must have ate something because he was not feeling well all day. For dinner we were going to have a pasta bake. You need pasta for a pasta bake, did you know that? So we borrowed spaghetti and made a spaghetti bake instead. It turned out real well and with our garlic bread we managed to stuff our selves.
We slept like logs on Saturday night and got up at the usual time. I had my coffee and read. I'm working on The Da Vinci Code so that I can better understand the movie when we see it.

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