We are in that time when our daily pattern of living in Mexico is set and we are just going about enjoying the weather while letting the days pass. Speaking of weather, we are in a bit of an overcast period. Clouds dot the sky and the air is a bit humid in the day. No rain yet and the nights are very cool and comfortable.

The internet in Melaque has been out, off and on, the past few days. You don't generally think about those things happening when you are home. Once in a while we will have a big storm and our internet goes out, so we just use our phones and go on about keeping abreast of stuff. Down here, the internet goes out and that means the entire town is not connected. Granted, we don't use our phones as phones down here. Others can connect via their phones. It costs too much to keep our phones going in Mexico and who needs them anyway! Except when the internet goes down.
Linda and I spend quite a bit of time talking about the people we know down here and our choice to live down in Melaque during the three or four months that we do. All is good, the people are great folks and we actually save a bit of money when we are down here. We do miss our "peeps" from home, though.

I'll continue this post once I get the full story on Linda's big shopping adventure to Manzanillo. Maybe she will take a picture, but she will definitely have a story.
Linda's post:
We had a very fun time in the "big city" of Manzanillo. We rode the bus into town, got off, hit a Starbucks, and then shopped for shoes at a place called Flexi. They are a very nice shoe, very comfortable, lots of styles, and a bit more pricely than the usual - but worth it. I didn't find any this time (actually, I found some really cute ones, but didn't want to spend the money at the time - may go back and get them if we go into town again).

After shoe shopping, we walked for a bit until we came to the Oaxacan market set up just in front of the Soriana (a store sort of like Walmart/K-mart). There were about 40 or 50 stalls of wonderful arts and crafts. There were many examples of different types of mole (a very traditional Mexican sauce, usually used with chicken), lovely embroidered clothing, beautiful pottery, silver and craft jewelry, and my favorite - many examples of homemade mezcal and tequila and creme liquores. I felt it was my duty to try all flavors at every booth and then give my suggestions for the best. It was a wonderful experiment. Many of us purchased some delicious examples. After made our choices of things at that market, we took a quick trip into Soriana and then headed to El Fogon for lunch. It was delicious and we had one of the best margaritas I've ever had. I know I say that a lot, but it was true! Such a great place with a very nice staff, fantastic food (the many types of salsa with chips prior to lunch was a huge hit; a couple of the salsas were so good, we asked for some to take home. They brought us two containers full of our favorites - no charge), and wonderful company. We rode the bus home and arrived tired but happy. Thank you, Jill, Karen, Maggie, Penny, and Zoey for a great day out.
Dean's edit: When Linda got home I kept asking her if she saw Christopher when she was in the market. You know, Christopher Oaxacan. She smacked me pretty hard the first time I asked, now she just give me that look. I guess I better let it pass.