Just minutes before the sun rises. |
This morning at 4:00 AM the alarm sounded and Linda and I rolled out of bed. For months I have been trying to figure out just what to do on the first day of my retirement. I was watching TV one night a few months ago and a commercial came on that showed photos of sunrises taken by people on their first day of retirement, Linda and I looked at each other and said "That's it!"
Sunrise over Canfield and Coeur d'Alene. |
We were at the boat at about 5:00 AM with breakfast in our packs, and smiles on our faces. I have to admit that the past couple months have been a bit strange. The retirement process at North Idaho College is what I would call a non-process. For having been at that institution for over 33 years, one would think that there would be an exit interview, maybe a note from HR stating processes you needed to complete before you go, or even a meeting where someone collects your keys! Nothing! I went to work my last day and said good bye to a few people, had breakfast with some of my staff, went swimming with Heather and Michelle, turned on the auto reply on my emails and then went home.
Happily retired. |
We motored out on to Lake Coeur d'Alene as the sky lightened in the east. I turned off the ignition and we sat quietly watching the changes in light and color of our beautiful surroundings. Linda has been so wonderful about all this retirement stuff. Last night we were invited to have dinner with Darren and Marcy Upchurch after my last day of work. I came up with the idea of taking the boat and motoring down the Spokane River to their house for the evening. It was a full moon and I had always wanted to (1) take the boat down to their house and back, (2) drive the boat after dark in the light of the moon. Last night we did both.
Lovely Linda supporting my first day dream. |
Marcy made a wonderful Thai Chicken dish which we ate while over looking the river at sunset. We talked and laughed about what I might expect in the next year. I admit I am a bit excited. At about 9:00 PM we climbed into the boat turned on the running lights and chugged up river. I will admit it was quite dark on the water, even with the full moon shining. The night was cool but there was very little breeze. Everything went great, but if I were to do it again, I would get some kind of 10 bazillion lumens spotlight to light the way.
At 5:25 AM the sun poked its way over the tops of the mountains east of the city. We took photos and drank coffee and tea as the new day dawned. As soon as the sun was up we started the engine and scooted over to just off Arrow Point where I set up my fishing rods, dropped the down riggers and started to fish.
I circled and fished, until about 9:30 AM, as Linda basked in the sun
reading. I think I am going to like this retirement thing!
Dan Covey in his new boat a fishing first. |
Reading while I fish. |
Countdown concluded. |