This morning we got up, had our coffee, packed a lunch and walked out to the Jeep for a drive to the top of Red Horse Mountain. We had heard that there was a real good view from there and we hoped to see some game as an added bonus. Just as we were about to leave our neighbor knocked on the door and said "There is a moose just down the street!" We grabbed the camera and ran out to the front yard. There he was, walking right in front of our house. He hung around for a while and browsed on the neighborhood greens. Then he must have got thirsty and he wandered toward the river.

Linda and I loaded Kobi in the Jeep and we drove out to Beauty Bay and up the forest service road #453, the same on we followed less than a month ago. Then when we hit the saddle we turned left on to road #430 which led south east and once we found the road to the top of Red Horse Mountain we cranked the Jeep in low and climbed to the top at 4398 ft. We took some pictures and then came back down where we turned right and proceeded to follow forest service road #614. We dropped off the ridge on road #539 that came out on the Kaillarney Lake road.

We drove over to the Coeur d'Alene River and let Kobi jump into the water. That dog will jump off anything for a stick or a ball. Once he was wet we drove to the Rose Lake trail head for the Trail of the Coeur d"Alene's Bike Trail where had lunch.
With lunch over we drove back to Coeur d'Alene and Linda did some shopping down town. Kobi and I sat

on the street and watched the comings and goings of the down town crowd. We drove home and put things away, we both laughed about driving all that way through the mountains and saw the moose in our front yard. Yes, we do live in paradise.
Continuing on through the weekend I got up early on Saturday morning and went out fishing for Blueback on Lake Coeur d'Alene. I hitched the boat up to the Jeep and drove out to Booth Park where I launched. I fished for about five hours, caught some Blueback and one small bass. I worked on getting familiar with the down riggers. By the end of my session I got so that I could get everything set and down to the depth I wanted with out a single snag.