Linda and I were able to leave Coeur d’Alene early Friday morning after loading the gear in the camper, attaching the boat and making sure we had everything you could possibly want with us. Our game plan was developed and we had talked it through, I would drive us down to Harrison and unload the boat then Linda would drive over to Bell Bay with the truck and trailer. In the mean time I would drive the boat quickly over to the docks at Bell Bay and then walk up and then park the trailer and camper for the weekend. Everything went flawless! The only minor glitch happened when I finished up putting through the no wake zone and I hit the throttle. I made the classic beginner boaters mistake, I looked up over the windshield and immediately lost my hat! I circled round and picked up the hat with my fish net and was off.
Linda proceeded to Bell Bay campground where John and
Loretta were camped. The Sutherlands met
me at the dock and we tied up the boat. By that time Linda had arrived and we
all worked to get me backed into our spot and get the trailer off and in its
weekend resting place. Once all that was
complete we had some lunch and settled in for the weekend.
Saturday Linda got up and went for her usual morning
run. She ran south on the road leading
to Harrison. When she was about halfway
to her “out” distance she spotted something just off the road in the woods. She said “My first thought was that it was an
emu, and then as I looked longer it looked more like an elk or moose!” She said it turned and ran and when that
happened she was able to rule out Emu. With
this announcement we all started laughing.
We were all wondering how she could mix up an elk or moose with and emu.
While we were out Beth dropped in for a visit and a chance
to catch some sun at our magnificent view lot. John and I arrived to find the
three ladies lounging in the sun drinking margaritas. Everyone sat around telling stories and
enjoying the day. Linda recounted the
Emu encounter for Beth’s behalf and someone asked Linda if she was sure it was
and emu and not and ostrich. Linda didn’t really know the difference so Beth
Googled up Emu
Vs Ostrich and we all learned much more then we want to about the two
flightless birds.
Linda and I loaded Kobi up into the boat and we took a slow
cruise down the lake. It was Linda’s
second time in the boat and Kobi’s first so we went slow and let both get
accustomed to the boats sounds and movements.
We were only out about an hour; both of my guests did quite well in the
boat. Kobi was a bit nervous when we hit
higher speeds. Linda was a great help
when it came to docking the boat.
Sunday we got up and everyone put their gear away. John and
Loretta left Bell Bay first, we followed close behind. I drove the boat over to Harrison and Linda
met me there with the camper and trailer.
We loaded the boat with no problems and drove back to Post Falls. The entire trip back was spent planning out
next outing.