There was very little wind for my first launch and that made me feel real confident. We took our time and checked, double checked everything. The launch went flawless and as she sat quietly next to the dock, I took the boat up to the parking lot, paid my $5 launch fee and came back with my can of champagne. To be honest, I used a can of Guinness to christen the boat. Before you go crazy and say I goofed, hear me out. (1) I have never been a fan of champagne, even when I drank. (2) When I drank I loved Guinness. (3) I felt that it would not feel right to splatter champagne all over the front of the boat, but a good beer, that is another story. (4) I can grantee you that we will never have champagne on this boat, so why not spill something that will probably be spilled in fun and friendship for years to come.
With all that taken care of we motored out on the lake and gave the girl a good spin. We ran the big motor up to speed and played with the trim. Then we stopped and started the trolling motor up and ran it for a bit. I played briefly with the fish finder and then we returned to the dock, where I made the perfect landing. We double checked everything as we were at the dock, then I went up and brought the trailer back. We loaded it in very little time, tied it down and drove home. No rips, raps or flips. I love the new girl and can't wait to get Linda on board to see her in action.