This year our house became the gathering place of Linda's family for the Thanksgiving dinner. Mom and Dad Halbhuber drove up from Moscow and stayed the night in our bed room. Linda and I stayed in the camper, Kobi stayed in his crate. Linda's sister, Al Dee, Kenyon, Alayna and Dugger (their dog) stayed three days at a motel that is close to our place. Jeff, Linda's brother, Lisa, Alex, Brynn and Michale all stayed in the Spokane Valley at a hotel that Jeff gets great rates. 
During the stay we did the following, in no particular order; ate, played games, geo cached, ate, talked, read books, sang the Star Spangled Banner, played hand held video games, played cribbage, went to Cabela's, yelled at Kobi, looked at home made videos, ate turkey and visited Franks Diner.
I might say this was a very busy three days. Here are a bunch of photos that I took during the visit.