Linda made the nasty trek down to the campground with minimal problems. She said it rained so hard that she almost had to pull the truck off the road and wait for a break, but she also said that there were few pull offs where she was traveling. Between storms she set up the camper and got everything turned on. Kobi kept watch and explored the area around our spot.
I was back at work getting sick. I don’t know what hit me but I started shivering about noon and then had to leave work and was home by two o’clock. I slept until 6:00PM and then went to bed at 8:00PM. In the morning I still felt bad but was good enough to help Alex with a Q-6 News live feed dealing with Table Tennis.
After the news filler was complete we all attended a meeting dealing with what to do if a person started shooting people on campus. I made it through that program and then left campus and drove out to Bell Bay. I arrived about noon and immediately went in the camper and layed down for two hours. I slept hard and when I woke up I felt much better. We took a walk, ate dinner, cleaned up and went to bed. I slept the entire night and by morning I felt fine.

At Bell Bay we did the usual, a lot of reading and resting. Kobi is a real waterdog, he loves to swim. It's funny but we pack a bag full of toys and when we get to camp Kobi finds a stick and chews on that the whole time.
We hiked up to the upper campground; there is a geocache up there that has been avoiding us. We have searched for it three times but never found it. We looked around the same location following the coordinates we used before, but no luck. After about a half hour we gave up. I was just looking at the GPS and noticed a second waypoint about 160 feet away from the other location that we just had scoured. I thought maybe it was another cache so I went to look. I found the container and it was labeled Bell bay Cache. So we had been looking at the wrong location all this time. I don’t know where we got the bad coordinates, or even where the real coordinates came from, but we collected the cache and that’s all that matters.
At about 1:00PM I drove down and checked out the closest boat launch. I did some fishing and then returned to camp. At about 4:00PM Linda and I drove into Harrison and explored the area a bit. We drove out a road that led to a sportsman’s access on Round Lake. It was interesting and something to know just in case there was a chance to fish that lake.
We returned to camp and fixed dinner. While we were eating Dale Johnson stopped by and we talked a bit. On Friday Alex called and said that Dale and his family were going to be camping at Bell Bay. When they arrived we were there and said hi. We saw them periodically throughout the weekend. They will be staying at the campground next weekend so we made plans to get together. We are hoping that maybe a few of our friends can get together over the three day weekend.
The big controversy of the weekend was the group that camped across the road from us. They were rather rude and loud on Saturday night. It’s not the folks can’t get drunk and party on the weekend; it is just their choice of locations for the obnoxious behavior. If you’re going to gather a group and party, then go up the numerous rivers and find a location that is not right next to other campers who have children along. It’s just not right to subject family campers to “F%#k!” every word. Bell Bay has a 10:00PM quiet rule but this group ignored it completely. During the night the camp host, Bob, asked them to quiet down twice, but they ignored him. He monitored the situation until two of the women started screaming at each other and it sounded like a fight, so he called the Sheriff.
When they saw the car coming down the hill they all went into one of the trailers and only one person was there when they arrived. He said that Bob was being picky and that they were not doing anything wrong. Then when the car left everyone returned and the party went on. Linda said it stopped about 3:00AM. I learned all this from the camp host and from Linda, I slept through it all. If you are out camping and a truck pulls in with Shoshone County plates on it the read MUCKER, do everything you can to keep them away from your camp, or just get ready for a party and a fight.