Thursday morning Linda and Kobi loaded into the truck and drove down to Bell Bay for the weekend.

It was Linda’s first solo camper set up and she was a bit nervous. The driving of the larger vehicle and then the various set up procedures made her uncomfortable. I had to stay home because at work on Thursday I had to help interview a candidate for a job in Computer Services.
I also had a Physical Therapy appointment for my bad back. The back has been bothering me for over two weeks and I figured it was time to get some help.

On Friday I was in charge of the parent session in our OARS program and so I was keeping the home fires burning as Linda ventured into the wild.
I kept in contact with Linda and everything went smooth as silk for the dog and her. It was a bit different for me. I had my PT appointment and all was well except for the fact the receptionist/helper had a nasty cold. You guessed it; I came down with a terrible cold on Friday. I made it through the two parent sessions but by the end I could not talk, had a head ache, and a sore throat! I was so mad at that receptionist. I have not had a cold all year, and she was the only person I was near that coughed and snorted around me.

After work I drove down to the campground and met Linda and Kobi. They were excited to see me and that made me feel a bit better. I made a huge effort to keep from breathing on Linda; I didn’t want her to get this crap.
John and Loretta came out in their boat and we talked and cooked dinner. John had not been feeling well the day prior so we could commiserate a bit about our upcoming weekend. Linda and I fixed chicken enchiladas con Costco and the Sutherlands fixed elk burgers.

We talked until the sun went down and they had to get back to town. They are wonderful people and we enjoy them immensely.
We went to bed at about 9:00PM and I sniffed and snorted my way through the night.
Saturday the weather changed about every hour. It was clear in the morning, got hot, got cloudy, sprinkled, got sunny, then rained and finally the evening was cloudy but very nice. During the afternoon we played in the lake with Kobi and then we drove to Harrison for some ice cream. We met several folks we knew there, it was Pig Out in the Park day and Harrison was the place to be. We drove home and fixed dinner. After we ate Linda played with the dog, I blogged and then we went for a walk.
For some unknown reason, Bell Bay is located in the center of a middle of the night Bermuda triangle for weather. About every time we are out here we have great weather up until we go to bed and then all hell breaks loose. Last night was no exception. We went to bed to dead calm and a high cloud cover. Because of my cold I tossed and turned keeping us both awake. Late into the night you could hear the winds starting to pick up and within the hour we were in the center of the triangle once again. I went out to lower the camper awning and it started to rain. Now, being the knowledgeable truck camper person that I am, I could not for the life of me figure out how to lower the

awning into a safer more secure position. So I dropped it down and tightened it up, got wet and cold and hoped that everything would be ok by morning.
It rained real hard most of the night and to add to the mess we had very gusty winds mixed in. When we returned to the camper after the awning battle both Linda and I read for a while before turning off the lights and trying to get to sleep.
Linda was up early and took Kobi for a walk. When they returned, Linda didn’t look good so I asked how the walk went. She started sniffling and said that they had a little problem during the adventure. As they were walking back from their hike along the road, a mole dashed in front of Kobi. Being a trained Golden Retriever, Kobi snatched up the mole in his soft mouth and immediately

broke the critters back. I guess Linda yelled, Kobi ran, the mole struggled, Linda chased after Kobi, Kobi ran, the mole died, Linda stopped running and yelling, Kobi stopped and sat down, and Linda was able to gain composure thus ending the massive mole massacre for this excursion.

Kobi dropped the carcass and Linda was able to lead him back to our site. We had been talking about what we needed to do to keep Kobi from dashing away; we needed to add some line to the lead so that we are always in control until he gets older. I haven’t provided the extra rope and so Linda didn’t have the proper control on the dog that she needed. Oh it is hard being new parents.