The Royal Room in Cottonwood was slightly deserted when we arrived. The pool tournament started at 7 PM and it was now 11:30 PM, so not many players remained. Dan and Mike were playing cutthroat with Teresa and I think there were about four other patrons hanging out at the bar. Jim, Tom and I settled in and started shooting on the second table. It was about 2:00 PM when we left the Royal, Dan and Mike had won ten bucks off a couple of locals, but could only collect two dollars, it was all they had. The rest of us settled for a two to two win-loss record in pool but that didn’t matter because it was real late. I drove folks back to the hotel and we all crashed amidst snores, farts and cigarette smoked cloths. Tomorrow we would be on the river.
Morning came fast and we packed up the rigs, ate breakfast and hit the road for Pine Bar. The sun was out and we had a slight over cast, but all in all the weather was perfect. Launch was easy and we proceeded on down to our first camp at Killer Goat Beach.

Tom and I prepared the first meal. I used two 12” dutch ovens and produced a Louisiana concoction that Tom’s brother-in-law had showed me and it was a hit. Barely has any leftovers and that put the heat on the rest of the group to produce a meal that matched ours. The group consisted of Tim, Dan Breeden, Tom Husby, Mike Wassmuth, Dan Redline, CurtFranson, Jack Green, Jim Bellatty and I. After dinner everyone settled in and the river stories started to flow. The late night on Thursday, the launch on the river, a big meal all made for an early evening for the boys because tomorrow we fish.
We floated and fished down thought the Cougar Canyon. Tom ran all the rapids in great form. I think we only got about a gallon of water in the boat through all the rapids. China had the big hole which we skirted on the left. Our camp would be on the beach directly across from the cabin

with the air strip. Mike and Dan put out their plainer boards and we settled in for another dinner. The dinner tonight was Danbo and Mike's. They made a dutch oven sweet and sour halibut feast. So far two dinners and very little left over, imagine that.
Next morning Tom, Curt, Jack and Jim hiked up to the top of the oxbow. I stayed on the beach swam and fished. The rest of the group set off down the river to fish and find the next camp. Once the four hikers got back from their hike we set off down river fishing and enjoying the sun.

The third night’s camp was set up at Wapshillia. It was Jim and Jacks night for dinner and they did it up right. Chicken, dogs and Jack Daniels BBQ sauce was served hot off the grill. We ate and, of course, left overs were few.
Our fourth nigh camp was at Fly Beach located just above Sluicebox Rapids. Tim and Dan provided a huge sloppy joe meal. They filled two 12" dutch ovens and we ate them both. In the morning we got up and Tom and I left camp much earlier then pervious mornings (or in this case afternoons). Our goal was to row out leaving the motoring to the rest of the group. We fished hard on the way out and caught a ton of bass. The group passed

us at Coon Hollow, but we weren’t to far behind and got to the ramp as they finished up the take down and load up. Tom backed down the trailer and we loaded it up and hit the road. We got back to Cd'A about 7:00 PM.