We set up camp at campsite 74. It was a good one that had quite a bit of privacy. We had stopped in town at a Bavarian SUBWAY and bought sandwiches. Couldn't taste any difference from non-Bavarian SUBWAYs, but they hit the spot for our evening meal.
We went to bed at about 9:00PM read and fell asleep to the rain on the top of the camper. It is a nice sound and makes it real hard to keep your eyes open while you read. Next morning we got up and looked around the campgrounds. It's a real big place with quite a few things for people to do during the camping season. This weekend everything was closed, so we did a nice long hike. Later in the day we took a ride to the north campground and checked it out. The south campground is much nicer, but probably gets a lot more use. After the ride we came back and took a nap, cooked dinner and ate.
By that time it was getting dusk so we went for another walk. Just as we came to the main road at the campgrounds the Outdoor Pursuits Adventure Race Team showed up. They found a spot and we chatted for a bit. They got ready for bed but before they turned in they came over and brought some cake. It was Rachel's birthday so we were able to enjoy some of her cake and wish her happy birthday.
The next morning was the race. We met the team down at the beach and watched them prepare. They hadn't trained together at all and I don't think Paul or Jon had trained any personally.

The race began and I took pictures of the start, kayak leg and the transition to Mt. Bike.

The OP Team took first in their division and 3rd overall. Should have had second, but they had a little problem with the last challenge and one team passed them.